
To serve is to love, and is one of the most rewarding things that we can participate in in this life. However, like all rewarding things it is hard. There is no getting around it. I know for the most part I would rather sit on the couch and watch college football all day rather than go out and rake leaves for somebody or any other type of service. But, whenever I got my rear end off the couch and went out to help others, I have never regretted it. It is through the time I have spent serving others that I’ve come the closest to my Savior, Jesus Christ.

If you think about it, all Christ did in His mortal ministry was to serve others. He always served out of love, never out of obligation. Our greatest joy comes when we serve others out of our love for them. However, serving others begrudgingly is better than not serving at all! I have a strong testimony of that. I know that if we exercise the faith to go out and serve no matter our original attitudes our hearts will be softened. My dad was the greatest example to me of diligent service. I don’t think I have ever heard him complain about being asked to serve others. He was always the first to volunteer and to ask what more he could do. My father always put others before himself. It is because of his example that I am on a mission today. Through my father’s example, I have grown to develop a strong testimony of the power of serving others.

As a missionary, I have dedicated two years of my life to serving God and my fellow men 24/7. It’s hard. I’m not going to sugar coat anything, it is stinkin’ hard. Serving a mission has been the most difficult thing I have ever done. But through my service, I have come closer to my Savior than ever before. When we serve with love, we recognize our Savior’s love for those we serve. We learn to see them as God sees them; not as they are, but as they can become. At some point along the way, we realize that this love that we feel for those we serve is the same love that God and Jesus Christ feel for us! Once I realized that, I was extremely humbled. And my love for Them grew exponentially. It really strengthened my testimony of why we serve others. Service is not only for their benefit, but for ours as well. I know that through consecrating our lives to helping others as the Savior would we will come closer to Him than we ever thought possible. What better way to gain a better relationship with our Savior than to live a life like His? It has been amazing, the more I give of myself to the Lord the happier I become. I know it is because I am doing God’s will and extending His great love to His beloved children. Whenever you feel like you are having a down day or don’t feel like anybody cares, try to find ways to serve. Instead of turning inward and saying wo is me, turn outward and ask who can I help? I promise that as you do so your joy will increase and eventually you’ll forget why you were so sad in the first place. 

When all else fails, serve with love. Loving service brings miracles.